bone marrow transplant

Another Milestone

“I should listen to my wife more,” said every married man worth his salt, including this guy. My back has been badly hurting for two days and she’s been trying to get me to go the chiropractor since yesterday, going…
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Out with the Old, In with the New

A year ago yesterday Christi and I boarded an airplane bound for Houston for a chance to save my life. Twenty-one days later, the chance came when I had a stem cell transplant. It’s been a very rough year, but…
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Looking for an Answer

This has become an unwelcome yet all too familiar routine. Squinting to see, well, anything, hands shielding my face from excess light. Living an upside-down daytime nocturnal life, shades closed and sheets covering the window. Sitting on the couch like…
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Where to Turn?

I’m spending a quiet Sunday morning at Berea Hospital receiving an infusion of anti-fungal medicine to combat the infection in my lungs. It’s dreary outside, which I am thankful for since my eyes are giving me trouble again. The coffee…
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A Different Kind of Stay

Even hospital stays are relative.  Of the five inpatient stays I’ve had, this as been one of the worst in some ways.  Sure, it’s been shorter and I haven’t felt anything like I did when I received the chemotherapy for…
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Still Thankful

The I’ve been away from home during several Thanksgivings throughout my adult life. It started after the attacks of 9/11, when I was deployed to the Blue Grass Army Depot. I spent Thanksgiving 2001 and 2002 in eating turkey with…
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Knowing Us by Our Love

I’ve felt like a popular guy the last couple of weeks. There was a good response to my last two blog posts and my birthday was last week. I probably received more cards this year than the previous ten years…
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What I’ve Learned

Experience is the best teacher, so they say.  I would add the caveat that “evaluated” experience is the best teacher.  If we don’t take the time to evaluate what has happened to us, we often miss the lesson.  Photo by…
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Down, but Not Out

The two most dangerous words in our house these days are “what’s next?”  Just when I think I’ve had every complication to leukemia possible, those two works awaken me from my slumber of false assurance with a loud “THAT’S WHAT’S…
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Reaching for His Robe

She had one mission.  If she could just get close enough, it would work.  She believed all the rumors and stories about how this man could heal the sick and wounded.  She had even heard that he raised people from…
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